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between life and death
处于生死关头 生死界线  detail>>
is not between life and death
不是生与死  detail>>
is not between life And death
不是生与死  detail>>
stand between life and death
生死抉择  detail>>
the moment between life and death
生死之际  detail>>
hover between life and death fluctuate
在生死关头徘徊  detail>>
little girl lay between life and death
那小女孩生命垂危the  detail>>
for life or for death
生死牌  detail>>
life and death
暖秋 生死线 生死攸关的/重大的 生与死 死活  detail>>
life in death
生死消长  detail>>
 adj.  生死攸关的,极重要的。  detail>>
生死攸关的  detail>>
no life no death
不生不死不死不生  detail>>
estimated life between overhaul
两次翻修间估计寿命  detail>>
life between buildings
建筑中的人与活动  detail>>
mean life between failures
平均故障间隔时间  detail>>
time-between-overhaul life
大修间隔期  detail>>
a great life! a glorious death
生的伟大死的光荣  detail>>